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Welcome to my website. I'm a potter concentrating on burnished and pit fired ware.

I trained at Bath Academy of Art, way, way back in the 1960s under tutors such as John Colbeck, Brian Newman and Ian Auld. My career has been mostly in education working on the sculpture course at the University of Brighton and teaching in the prison at Lewes. I have practiced my own making alongside these jobs and when I was able to give them up, could concentrate concentrate on this full time.

My interest in the type of work I am presently making was prompted by my finding a small shard of Romano-British pottery near where I live in the UK. A farmer had recently ploughed up the fields and then it rained for a month. This exposed an area of dark soil that I recognised to be an early iron working site. The site of a "bloomery". The piece I found was made from a rough clay had been burnished, pit fired and still had a coating of beeswax having been buried in clay for 2000 years. Amazing. in the surrounding field I found also exposed, many megalithic flint tools, these also influence my work both in colour and form.

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